James River Association Summer Camp

HEF’s Community Learning Center (CLC) collaborated with James River Association to offer a weeklong summer camp for 10 Wilder Middle School students on the James River. The camp was made possible through a 21st CCLC grant from VDOE.


Wilder Middle School students explored the wetlands of Four Mile Creek, where they spotted egrets and great blue herons wading in the shallows. The high water this week helped us venture farther into the wetlands than ever before! They practiced their teamwork and steering skills to maneuver around the narrow channels lined with arrow arum, pickerel weed, and wild rice. After the paddle, we took a nature hike and competed in a scavenger hunt — Ayaan and King celebrated their decisive victory (27 scavenger hunt items!) with first pick of sandwiches.

Today, our fun and fearless Wilder MS Adventurers tackled the open James, paddling from the tidal region of Ancarrow’s Landing to the bottom of the Richmond Fall line. Campers put their canoeing skills to the test as they rode the river currents at the tail of the Pipeline Rapids. Back on land, we enjoyed shade, water, and ultimate frisbee for those who still had extra energy to burn. It was a day filled with sun, sweat, and ear-to-ear smiles!